Tsinghua 35th in World University Rankings

China's Tsinghua and Peking universities have ranked in 35th and 43th position on "The Times Higher Education" magazine's list of top 100 universities based on reputation.

The reputation ranking is drawn from a survey of more than 13,000 academics worldwide. The data are now published in isolation for the first time, revealing discrepancies between some institutions' reputations and their overall rankings, according to an article on the magazine's website.

Universities in the United States dominated the list taking 45 of the places in the top 100, headed by Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Cambridge was the highest-ranking UK University on the list in third place, with Oxford ranked as sixth. Japan had five universities included on the list.

Phil Baty, editor of The Times Higher Education World University Rankings, said: "In an ever more competitive global market... a university's reputation for academic excellence is crucial."



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