Tsinghua 35th in World University Rankings

Tsinghua University has ranked 35th on "The Times Higher Education" magazine's list of the world's top 100 universities based on reputation.

Forty-five universities in the United States of America dominated the list, headed by Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The University of Cambridge was the highest-ranking British institution, occupying third place, while its rival Oxford ranked sixth. Five Japanese universities are included.

Altogether, seven Asian universities were in the top 50. They are Tokyo University (8th), Kyoto University (18th), National University of Singapore (27th), Tsinghua University (35th), Hong Kong University (42nd), Peking University (43rd), and Osaka University (50th).

Phil Baty, editor of The Times Higher Education World University Rankings, said: "In an ever more competitive global market ... a university's reputation for academic excellence is crucial."


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