​Tsinghua University College English Team wins Champion title at 2023 FLTRP Star Teacher Contest

On December 6, the national final of the 2023 FLTRP Star Teacher Contest was held in Beijing, and the online simulcast attracted an audience of nearly 70,000. Four college English teachers from Tsinghua University Language Centre, Zhao Yi, Tian Yuan, Yang Fang, and John Paul Grima, were awarded the Champion title in the National Final Contest, after winning the Special Prize in the National Intermediary Contest and Semi-Final Contest in the previous stage.

Launched in 2013, the FLTRP "Star Teacher" Contest is widely recognized in the field of foreign language education in colleges across China.

The final competition consisted of three parts: introducing the teaching design, delivering a demo class, and fielding questions from the jury. On behalf of the Tsinghua team, Zhao Yi and Tian Yuan showcased Tsinghua University's Three-pronged approach: the shaping of values, the cultivating of skills, and the imparting of knowledge. By designing a class around the objective of Writing of Line Graph Summary, the team integrated language teaching and humanistic goals, and guided students to analyze the process from "Made in China" to "Created in China", among other statistical trends. The outstanding performance of the two teachers won the warm applause of the judges and the audience.

Writer: Wang Chenyile

Editor: Li Han

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