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Reasearch platforms

SOE started the construction of public research platforms during the 9th-five-year plan period. A series of high level research platforms, such as Research Platform for Environmental Analysis and Observation, Research Platform for Modern Environmental Biological Technology, Research Platform for Eco-Materials and Research Platform for Environmental Modeling and Computing were established under the support of subject construction funds of “211 Project” and “985 Plan” and donation from home and abroad, which provide strong supports for the development of common research and environmental subjects. At present, the research platforms provide a variety of external services under the name of Tsinghua Environmental Quality Test Center, including  analysis of trace organic pollutants, analysis of conventional pollutants and environmental quality testing, identification and preservation of environmental microbiology, environmental microbiology detection and functional analysis, environmental information high-speed computing and large-capacity storage.
♦ Research Platform for Environmental Analysis and Observation
♦ Research Platform for Modern Environmental Biological Technology
♦ Research Platform for Eco-Materials
♦ Research Platform for Environmental Modeling and Computing