
Miao CHANG (Ph.D) Senior Research Fellow at the Water Policy Research Center within the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University. Graduated from Nagoya University (Japan), Graduate school of Environmental Study, Department of Environmental Studies. Worked as researcher at the Urban Environmental Management Project, The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan from 1998-2003. Major Field is Environmental protection investment and finance, and Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) for urban environmental infrastructure construction and operation. Worked as Core Research Team member/Project coordinator of Third Phase of the China Council of the Task Force for “Financial Mechanisms for Environmental Protection”. At present, study on the strategies, legal system and policies, institutional structure, and financing mechanisms for developing water sector. Working on the international projects of United Nation, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, and OECD for water sector reform in China. Provide the technical support for the major administrations including Ministry of Construction, State Environmental Protection Administration, etc to develop the policies and management tools in water sector. Published two books and more than thirty articles in the international and domestic academic journal.
Areas of Research Interests

Environmental Financing and Investment, Environmental Policy and Management
Academic Achievements

1. 《中国城市水业改革实践与案例》,2006年,中国建筑工业出版社(第二作者)
2. 《城市水业改革的十二个问题》,2005年,中国建筑工业出版社(第三作者)