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Division of Environmental System Analysis

Professor, Director of Department of Environmental Planning & Management
Tel: (86)-10-62794115 ext 8017
Location: Room 1004, School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084

Education Background

Ph.D. in environmental engineering, 1998 - 2003, Tsinghua university University, Beijing, China

M.S. in enterprise management, 1995 - 1998, Tsinghua university University, Beijing, China

B.S. in environmental engineering, 1993 - 1998, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China


2010 - Professor, School of Environment, Tsinghua University

2007 - 2010 Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University University

2003 - 2007 Assistant Professor, Division of Environmental System Analysis of the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University University

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Areas of Research Interests

1. Global climate change economics and policy

2. Energy-environment-economy systems simulation

3. Low carbon economy and low carbon city development

Research Status

Selected Research Projects:

1. Impacts of and Policies for Carbon Mitigation, The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 2016-2020

2. The Economic Impacts of Low Carbon Development in China: Based on Hybrid-model with Endogenous Technological Changes, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2013-2016

3. Development of Strategy and Roadmap for Establishing a Low Carbon Economy in Shandong province, funded by Energy Fundation, 2011-2012

4. Study on Sectoral Approaches for Mitigation Climate Change, funded by Ministry of Science and Technology of China, 2007-2011

5. Energy and CO2 Emission Embodied in Sino-Japan International Trade, sponsored by Institute of Global Environmental Strategy, 2008-2009

6. The Sustainable Development Effectiveness of CDM Projects in China, funded by Ministry of Science and Technology of China, 2007-2010

Honors and Awards

“The Cozzarelli Prize”, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences (2014)

“Annual Excellent Journal Paper”, Chinese Environmental Science (2013)

“Excellent Environmental Scientist Honor”, Chinese Society for Environmental Science (2008)

“Young Scientist Honor”, Chinese Society for Environmental Science (2006)

“Mikhalevich Award for Outstanding Research Achievements during the YSSP Summer Program”, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Vienna, Austria (2002)

“Annual Excellent Journal Paper, First Class Prize”, Chinese Society for Sustainable Development (2001)

Academic Achievements

Published Books:

Wang Shuping, Wang Can, Xu Yimin, Intellectual Property Right and Climate Change, Beijing: Social Science Literature Press, 2013. (in Chinese)

Wang Can, Cai Wenjia, Li Shuyi, Zhang Weishi, Gao Liangying, Sectoral Approach and International Technology Development and Transfer. Beijing: Economic Science Press, 2009.

Published Articles in peer-reviewed international journals:

[60] Can Wang*, Yuan Yang, and Junjie Zhang, China’s sectoral strategies in energy conservation and carbon mitigation. Climate Policy, 2015(sup1): S60-S80

[59] Wenjia Cai, Liyang Wan, Yongkai Jiang, Can Wang*, and Lishen Lin, Short-Lived Buildings in China: Impacts on Water, Energy, and Carbon Emissions, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49, 13921?13928.

[58] Shuai Gao, Can Wang*, Wenling Liu, Wenjia Cai, Zhongxiang Zhang, Corporate preferences for domestic policy instruments under a sectoral market mechanism: a case study of Shanxi Province in China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015, 108: 613-624.

[57] Jingxuan Hui, Wenjia Cai, Minhua Ye, Can Wang*, Clean generation technologies in Chinese power sector: penetration thresholds and supporting policies, The 7th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE2015. Energy Procedia, 2015(75): 2807 -2812

[56] Xianbing Liu, Can Wang, Dongjie Niu, Sunhee Suk, Cunkuan Bao, An analysis of company choice preference to carbon tax policy in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015(103): 393-400

[55] Junying Chu, Jianhua Wang, Can Wang*, A structure–efficiency based performance evaluation of the urban water cycle in northern China and its policy implications. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 2015(104): 1–11.

[54] Wenling Liu, Jinyun Zhang, Bettina Bluemling, Arthur P.J. Mol, Can Wang*, Public participation in energy saving retrofitting of residential buildings in China, Applied Energy, 2015, 147(1): 287-296.

[53] Yongkai Jiang, Wenjia Cai, Liyang Wan, Can Wang*, An index decomposition analysis of China's interregional embodied carbon flows, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015, 88: 289-296.

[52] Yongkai Jiang, Wenjia Cai, Pengfei Du, Wenqing Pan, Can Wang*, Virtual water in interprovincial trade with implications for China's water policy, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015, 87: 655-665.

[51] Guihong Zhang, Jiani Jiang, Can Wang, International Standards for Intellectual Property Rights Protection: A Reflection on Climate-friendly Technology Transfer. Brazilian Journal of International Law. 2014, 12(2): 108-123.

[50] Junjie Zhang and Can Wang, China's hydrofluorocarbon challenge, Nature Climate Change, 2014, 4: 943–945.

[49] Wenjia Cai, Yaqian Mu, Can Wang*, Jining Chen, Distributional employment impacts of renewable and new energy – A case study of China, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review, 2014, 39: 1155-1163.

[48] Can Wang, Jie Lin, Wenjia Cai, Hua Liao, China's Carbon Mitigation Strategies: Enough?, Energy Policy, 2014, 73: 47-56.

[47] Yuan Yang, Wenjia Cai, Can Wang*, Industrial CO2 intensity, indigenous innovation and R&D spillovers in China’s provinces, Applied Energy, 2014, 131: 117-127.

[46] Can Wang, Minhua Ye, Wenjia Cai, Jining Chen, The value of a clear, long-term climate policy agenda: A case study of China’s power sector using a multi-region optimization model, Applied Energy, 2014, 125: 276–288.

[45] Wenling Liu, Gert Spaargaren, Arthur Mol, Nico Heerink, Can Wang. Low carbon rural housing provision in China: participation and decision making. Journal of Rural Studies, 2014, 35: 80-90.

[44] Dabo Guana, Jintai Lin, Steven J. Davis, Da Pan, Kebin He, Can Wang, Donald J. Wuebbles, David G. Streets, and Qiang Zhang, Reply to Lopez et al.: Consumption-based accounting helps mitigate global air pollution, PNAS, 2014, www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1407383111

[43] Jintai Lin, Da Pan, Steven J. Davis, Qiang Zhang, Kebin He, Can Wang, David G. Streets, Donald J. Wuebbles, and Dabo Guan, China’s international trade and air pollution in the United States, PNAS, 2014, 111(5): 1736-1741.

[42] Can Wang, Jie Lin, Wenjia Cai, and ZhongXiang Zhang, Policies and Practices of Low Carbon City Development in China, Energy & Environment, 2013, 24(7&8): 1347-1372.

[41] Can Wang, Zhugang Jin, Wenjia Cai. Incentive to free ride in climate negotiation. Environmental Economics, 2013, 4(2): 88-92.

[40] Jin Zhugang, Can Wang, Wenjia Cai. Cooperation is essential for 2℃ Target: a new perspective from the Dynamic Game Model, Review of Applied Socio- Economic Research, 2013, 5(1): 100-105

[39] Can Wang, Zhugang Jin, Wenjia Cai. Motivation of Climate Change Investment and Risk Exposure: New Perspective from Game Model. International Journal of Energy Science, 2013. 3(3): 156-160

[38] Minhua Ye, Wenjia Cai, Can Wang. A Multi-Period Multi-Region Optimization Model of China’s Power Sector Considering Synergetic CO2 and Air Pollutants Control. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2013, 18: 397-403.

[37] Minhua Ye, Can Wang. Climate and Air Quality Co-benefits of Local Air Pollution Control: the Case of China’s Power Sector. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, Vols: 726-731: 2045-2050.

[36] Can Wang, Weishi Zhang, Wenjia Cai, Xi Xie, Employment impacts of CDM projects in China's power sector, Energy Policy, 2013, 51, 481-491

[35] Wenjia Cai, Can Wang, Zhugang Jin, and Jining Chen, Quantifying Baseline Emission Factors of Air Pollutants in China’s Regional Power Grids, Environmental Science and Engineering, 2013, 47, 3590?3597

[34] Wenling Liu, Gert Spaargaren, Nico Heerink, Arthur P.J. Mol, Can Wang, Energy consumption practices of rural households in north China: basic characteristics and potential for low carbon development, Energy Policy, 2013, 55(4): 128-138.

[33] Xianbing Liu, Can Wang, Weishi Zhang, Sunhee Suk, Kinichi Sudo, Awareness and acceptability of Chinese companies on market-based instruments for energy saving: A survey analysis by sectors, Energy for Sustainable Development, 2013, 17(3): 228-239

[32] Wenling Liu, Can Wang, Arthur P.J. Mol, Rural public acceptance of renewable energy deployment: the case of Shandong in China, Applied energy, 2013, 102: 1187-1196

[31] Xianbing Liu, Can Wang, Weishi Zhang, Sunhee Suk, Kinichi Sudo, Company's affordability of increased energy costs due to climate policies: A survey by sector in China, Energy Economics, 2013, 36(3): 419-430

[30] Wenling Liu, Can Wang, Arthur P.J. Mol, Rural residential CO2 emissions in China: where is the major mitigation potential?, Energy Policy, 2012, 51: 223-232

[29] Wenjia Cai; Can Wang; Jining Chen; Siqiang Wang, Sectoral Crediting Mechanism: How Far China Has to Go, Energy Policy, 2012, 48: 770-778

[28] Xianbing Liu, Can Wang, Tomohiro Shishime, Tetsuro Fujitsuka. Sustainable Consumption: Green Purchasing Behaviours of Urban Residents in China, Sustainable Development, 2012, 20: 293-308

[27] Wenling LIU, Can WANG, Xi XIE, Arthur P. J. MOL, Jining CHEN, Transition to a low-carbon city: lessons learned from Suzhou in China, Frontier of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2012, 6(3): 373–386.

[26] Zhang, J. and C. Wang. 2011. “Co-Benefits and Additionality of the Clean Development Mechanism: An Empirical Analysis,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 62(2): 140-154.

[25] Cai, WJ; Wang, C; Chen, JN; Wang, SQ, Green economy and green jobs: Myth or reality? The case of China's power generation sector, Energy, 2011, 36(10): 5994-6003

[24] Xianbing LIU, Yanli DONG, Can WANG, and Tomohiro SHISHIME, Citizen Complaints about Environmental Pollution: A Survey Study in Suzhou, China, Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 2011, 3: 1-27.

[23] Yu Fanxian, Chen Jining, Sun Fu, Zeng,SiyuZeng, Wang Can, Trend of technology innovation in China’s coal-fired electricity industry under resource and environmental constraints, Energy Policy, 2011, 39: 1586-1599.

[22] Liang Sai, Wang Can, Zhang Tianzhu, An improved input–output model for energy analysis: A case study of Suzhou, Ecological Economics, 2010, 69(9): 1805-1813

[21] Wenjia Cai, Can Wang, Jining Chen, Revisiting CO2 mitigation potential and costs in China’s electricity sector, Energy Policy, 2010, 38(8): 4209-4213.

[20] Liu X., Wang C., Shishime T., Fujitsuka T., Environmental activisms of firm's neighboring residents: An empirical study in China, Journal of Cleaner Production. 2010, 18(10-11): 1001-1008.

[19] Xianbing Liu, Masanobu Ishikawa, Can Wang, Yanli Dong, Wenling Liu, Analyses of CO2 emissions embodied in Japan–China trade, Energy Policy, 2010, 38: 1510-1518.

[18] Chu Junying, Wang Can, Chen Jining, Wang Hao, Agent-Based ResidentialWater Use Behavior Simulation and Policy Implications: A Case-Study in Beijing City, Water Resour Manage, 2009, 23(12):3267–3295

[17] Wang Ke, Wang Can, Chen Jining, Analysis of the economic impact of different Chinese climate policy options based on a CGE model incorporating endogenous technological change, Energy Policy, 2009, 37(8): 2930-2940

[16] Cai Wenjia, Wang Can, Liu Wenling, Mao Ziwei, Yu Huichao, Chen Jining, Sectoral Analysis for International Technology Development and Transfer: Cases of Coal-fired Power Generation, Cement and Aluminium in China, Energy Policy, 2009, 37(6): 2283-2291

[15] Liu Xianbing, Wang Can, Quantitative analysis of CO2 embodiment in international trade: An overview of the emerging literatures, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 2009, 3(1): 12-19.

[14] Jiang Dongmei, Wang Can, LU Xuedu, Comparative Assessment and Essential analysis on New International GHG Emission Reduction Approaches, Ecological Economy, 2009, 5(1): 2-10

[13] Cai Wenjia, Wang Can, Chen Jining, Wang Ke, Zhang Ying, Xuedu Lu, Comparison of CO2 Emission Scenarios and Mitigation Opportunities in China's Five Sectors in 2020, Energy Policy, 2008, 36(2): 1181-1194.

[12] Jiang Dongmei, Wang Can, ZHANG Mengheng, Identification of National Priority Areas of Adaptation to Climate Change in China, Ecological Economy, 2008, 4(4): 503-511.

[11] Cai Wenjia, Wang Can, Wang Ke, Zhang Ying, Chen Jining, Scenario analysis on CO2 emissions reduction potential in China's electricity sector, Energy Policy, 2007, 35(12): 6445-6456.

[10] Can Wang, Wenjia Cai, Xuedu Lu, Jining Chen, CO2 mitigation scenarios in China's road transport sector, Energy Conversion and Management, 2007, 48: 2110-2118

[9] Martin Resnier, Can Wang, Pengfei Du, Jining Chen, The Promotion of Sustainable Development in China through the Optimization of a Tax/ Subsidy Plan among HFC and Power Generation CDM projects, Energy Policy, 2007, 35(9): 4529-4544

[8] Ke Wang, Can Wang, Xuedu Lu, Jining Chen, Scenario analysis on CO2 emissions reduction potential in China’s iron and steel industry, Energy Policy, 2007, 35(4): 2320-2335.

[7] Jiang, D., Wang, C., Huang, S., Zhang, M., Study on roles of state strategy of adaptation to climate change in China, Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment 2007, 5(2): 1-7.

[6] Wang, C. and J. Chen, Parameter Uncertainty in CGE modeling of the Macroeconomic Impacts of Carbon Reduction in China, Tsinghua Science and Technology. 2006, 11(5): 617 – 624.

[5] Wang, C., C D Whitehead, J. Chen, X. Liu, J. Chu, Options for the future: balancing urban water supply and demand in Beijing, Water Policy, 2006. 8(3): 97-110.

[4] Wang, C., Cai, W., China: The CDM giant rises, Environmental Finance, 2006, 10: 24-25.

[3] Wang, C., Chen, J., Zou, J., Decomposition of energy-related CO2 emission in China: 1957-2000, Energy, the International Journal. 2005. 30(1): 73-83.

[2] Wang, C., Berreto, L., Zou, J. China’s GDP: Examining Provincial Disparities, International Journal of Asian Management, 2004(3). 77-101.

[1] Chu, J., Chen, J., Wang, C. and Fu, P. (2004), Wastewater Reuse Potential Analysis: Implications for China’s Water Resources Management. Water Research. 2004. 38(11): 2746-2756.

Published Articles in conferences:

[27] Shuai Gao and Can Wang, Sectoral crediting mechanism: how to work in china. The Applied Energy Symposium and Summit 2015: Low-Carbon and Urban Energy Systems (CUE 2015), Fuzhou, November 15-November 17, 2015.

[26] Xinzhu Zheng, Can Wang, Wenjia Cai. Co-benefit potentials of water conservation and energy saving from the life-cycle perspective: A study of iron and steel sector in China. 23rd International Input-Output Conference, June 22-26, 2015, Mexico City, Mexico.

[25] Jingxuan Hui, Wenjia Cai, Can Wang. Clean generation technologies in Chinese power sector: penetration thresholds and supporting policies. The 7th International Conference on Applied Energy, March 28-31, 2015, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

[24] Dongfang Yu, Minhua Ye, and Can Wang. Low carbon strategies of electric power sector in Shandong province: marginal abatement costs analysis. The 4th/2014 International Conference Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (EESD 2014), 25-26 October 2014, Nanjing, China. Published in: Advanced Materials Research. Vols. 1073-1076 (2015), pp 2770-2773.

[23] Yaqian Mu, Wenjia,Cai, Can Wang, Jining Chen. Involving China Into the International Sectoral Reduction: An Analysis Based on GTAP-E Model. The 4th International Association of Energy Economics (IAEE) Asian Conference, Semptemper 19-21, 2014, Beijing, China.

[22] Xinzhu Zheng, Can Wang, Wenjia Cai. Identifying current and future water stress from power plants in China. The 4th International Association of Energy Economics (IAEE) Asian Conference, Semptemper 19-21, 2014, Beijing, China.

[21] Yongkai Jiang, Can Wang. Water and carbon co-benefit: myth or reality? The case of China's power generation sector. 22th International Input-Output Conference, 24-28 July 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.

[20] Liyang Wan, Wenjia Cai, Yongkai Jiang, Can Wang. Water energy nexus under globalization with the implications of trade policy. The 22th International Input-Output Conference, 24-28 July 2014, Lisboa, Portugal.

[19] Jie Zhao, Can Wang, and Minhua Ye, Assessing the impacts of ultra-high voltage inter-regional power transmissions on different kinds of power technology in China’s power sector, 2014 International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection, April 26-28, 2014, Xi’An, China. Published in: Advanced Materials Research. Vols. 962-965 (2014)

[18] Jingxuan Hui, Wenjia Cai and Can Wang. Assessing the influence of shale gas boom on China’s power sector and Environmental policy by modeling. 2014 International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection, April 26-28, 2014, Xi’An, China. Published in: Advanced Materials Research. Vols. 962-965 (2014), pp 1762-1766.

[17] Liyang Wan, Wenjia Cai, Can Wang. Carbon footprint accounts among world regions: consumption and displacements through global supply chains. Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 22-27 Sep 2013, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

[16] Yongkai Jiang, Wenjia Cai, Can Wang. Regional carbon footprint accounting for China based on a multi-region input-output framework: a consumption based approach, Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 22-27 Sep 2013, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

[15] Liyang Wan, Wenjia Cai, Can Wang. World's demand on China's water resources in 2007: A multi-region input-output approach. PACE 2013 International symposium on environmental economics and policy in China. 14-18 Jul. 2013, Dalian, China

[14] Yongkai Jiang, Wenjia Cai, Can Wang. Analysing the water footprints and virtual water flows of the northwest region of China using a multi-regional input-output framework. PACE 2013 International symposium on environmental economics and policy in China, 14-18 Jul. 2013, Dalian, China.

[13] Yang Yuan, Junjie Zhang, Can Wang. Forecasting China’s energy-related CO2 emissions up to 2020 using provincial panel data. International Conference on Energy, June 27-29, 2013, Hengyang, China

[12] Zhugang Jin, Can Wang, Wenjia Cai. Behaviors of Microscopic Enterprises and Sectoral Mitigation Policy. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Science and Social Research (ICSSR 2013), p. 553-558. doi:10.2991/icssr-13.2013.127

[11] Minhua Ye, Wenjia Cai, Can Wang. A Multi-Period Multi-Region Optimization Model of China’s Power Sector Considering Synergetic CO2 and Air Pollutants Control. 2013 International Symposium on Environmental Science and Technology, June 4-7, 2013, Dalian, China

[10] Minhua Ye and Can Wang. Climate and Air Quality Co-benefits of Local Air Pollution Contorl: the Case of China’s Power Sector. 2013 International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection, April 20-21, 2013, Guilin, China.

[9] Minhua Ye and Can Wang, Electricity Generation Under Local Environmental Constraints and the Connections With Global Pollutants Control, International Conference on Applied Energy, ICAE 2012, Jul 5-8, 2012, Suzhou, China, Paper ID: ICAE2012-A10523

[8] Minhua Ye, Can Wang, Investment Strategy Analysis of CCS in China’s Power Sector Using a Real-Options Approach, 2011 International Conference on Energy and Environment (ICEE), pp.113-119. January 27-28, 2011, Shenzhen, China.

[7] Mao, Z., Wang, C., Assessing the climate impact of renewable energy targets by bottom-up modeling, Proceedings - 2010 International Conference on Intelligent System Design and Engineering Application, ISDEA 2010 1, art. no. 5743205, pp. 394-399. Changsha, China, Oct 13~14, 2010

[6] Mao, Z., Wang, C., Analysis of carbon tax for CO2 mitigation in China's power sector by modeling, 2010 International Conference on Advances in Energy Engineering, ICAEE 2010 , art. no. 5557554, pp. 317-320. Beijing, China, June 19 ~ 20, 2010.

[5] Cai W, Wang C, Chen J. CO2 Emission Reduction Efforts Made by China’s Electricity Sector and the International Comparison. 2009 International Conference on Energy and Environment Technology, 2009, Vol 3: 24-27.

[4] Wang Can, Combating climate change in China: recent policies and efforts, in: Anbumozhi, Venkatachalam; Takaishi,Yutaka; Matsuo, Yusuke; Liu, Xianbing; Sugiyama, Naotake and Abdessalem Rabhi, Prospects and Challenges of Combating Global Warming in Asia: International Symposium series 2007, p111-114. IGES Kansai Research Centre International Symposium 2007.

[3] Cai, W., C. Wang, X. Lu, J. Chen, Scenario analysis of CO2 emissions from China's Road Transportation, Twelfth International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century, Prague, Czech Republic. 12 - 14 July, 2006. in: Urban Transport XII: Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century, WIT Transactions on Build Environment, Vol 89, WIT Press, 2006. p669-678.

[2] Wang, C., C.D. Whitehead, J. Chen, X. Liu, L. Yue, J. He, M.D. Levine, and J.E. McMahon (2004). Examining the Future: Beijing Water Demand Projections and Supply Options. Proceedings of American Waterworks Association Water Sources Conference and Exposition 2004 (CD), Austin, Texas, January 2004.

[1] Wang Can, China's Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gases Control, Proceedings of BeSeTo Symposium on International Environmental Business in the 21st Century: How to Operate the CDM, July 5-6, 1999, Tokyo, Japan. also published in: Zhang Kunmin, Policies and Actions on Sustainable Development in China, Beijing: China Environmental Science Press, 2001. p. 187-198.

Invited speeches/presentations:

[26] Wang, C., China’s Sectoral Strategies, Climate Strategies side event at COP 21: China low carbon policy options, 5th December 2015, Paris, France.

[25] Wang, C., China Water-Energy Nexus, The 6th Energy Economics and Management Annual Conference, November 11-13, 2015, Guangzhou, China

[24] Wang, C., TEC Brief: Results and success factors of TNAs, TEC side event at COP 19: Responding to developing countries’ needs for environmentally sound technologies, 13 November 2013, Warsaw, Poland

[23] Wang, C., Technology needs assessment under the UNFCCC, NDRC Side Event at the COP 19: The Technology Needs of Developing Countries, Nov 18th, 2013, Warsaw, Poland

[22] Wang, C., Carbon Mitigation Strategies in China, China Energy Issues in the 12th Five Year Plan and Beyond Conference, 23-24 Feb 2012, Singapore.

[21] Wang, C., Economic Impacts of Carbon Mitigation in China. National Conference on Environmental Planning and Policy Modeling, July 19-20, 2012, Dandong, Liaoning, China

[20] Wang, C., Experiences and lessons learned from the TNA of China, UNFCCC workshop on Technology Needs Assessments, 1 - 2 June 2011, Bonn, Germany.

[19] Wang, C., Governance and financing of the Technology Mechanism, Expert workshop of UNFCCC on the Technology Mechanism, April 5, 2011, Bangkok, Thailand.

[18] Wang, C., Low carbon city: models and opportunities in China. Models of Urban Agglomeration International Conference, December 3-4, 2009, Changsha, China

[17] Wang, C., Institutional arrangements under the convention for technology development and transfer -- China’s Proposal, EU-China workshop on technology cooperation and transfer under the UNFCCC, November 26, 2009, Shanghai, China.

[16] Wang, C., Overview of Data Collection in China, Japan stakeholder workshop for Global Sectoral Approaches as Part of a Post-2012 Framework, 25 & 26 February 2009, Tokyo, Japan

[15] Wang, C., Sectoral Analysis for International Technology Development and Transfer: Cases of Coal-fired Power Generation, Cement and Aluminum in China, Side event on UN-China Climate Change Partnership, December 8, 2008, Poznan, Poland

[14] Wang, C., Overview of Data Available in China, Technical Workshop On Sectoral Approaches: Benchmarking, Sector Boundary and Monitoring, Reporting & Verification Issues, 17 & 18 September 2008, Brussels, Belgium

[13] Wang, C. and Zou, J., China’s Views on how to Enhance Implementation of Article 4.1(c) of the Convention through Cooperative Sectoral Approaches and Sector-specific Actions, In-session workshop of AWG-LCA, 21 August 2008, Accra, Ghana

[12] Wang, C., CO2 Emissions Scenarios and Mitigation Opportunities in China: Implication to Sectoral Approaches, Workshop on the Sustainability in the East Asia, 20 May 2008, Beijing, China

[11] Wang, C., Perspectives on the Bali Action Plan, IGES policy forum on "Integrating Asia's Concerns on Energy Security into the Post-2012 Climate Regime“, 7-8 August 2008, Bangkok, Thailand

[10] Wang, C., Combating Climate Change in China: Recent Policies and Efforts, IGES 10th anniversary symposium on Climate Change, 14 February 2008, Kobe, Japan.

[9] Wang, C. and Lu, Xuedu, China's current CDM status and strategy under the UNFCCC, International Seminar on Climate Change on the Week of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 13 February 2007, Seoul, Korea.

[8] Lu, X., C. Wang, Addressing Climate Change through Co-Benefits Approaches:Implications for International Approaches, the sixth Dialogue on Future International Actions to Address Global Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism Dialogue,19-22 April,2006.Paris, France

[7] Wang, C., Mitigation potentials in China and perspectives on cooperation opportunities, Asia-Pacific Dialogue on Innovative Options for Non-Annex I Countries Participation for Climate Change Action, 29 March, 2006. Bangkok, Thailand

[6] Wang, C., CDM market opportunities in China, The 2nd Australia–New Zealand Climate Change and Business Conference, 20 - 21 Feb 2006, Adelaide, Australia.

[5] Wang, C., Economic impacts assessment of carbon reduction in China by CGE modeling, Sino-Swiss Workshop on Environment and Sustainability, 21 - 23 Nov 2005, Beijing, China

[4] Wang, C., The impact of carbon mitigation on China's economy: results from a CGE modeling, International Conference on Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection, 24 - 25 Oct 2005, Beijing, China

[3] Wang, C., Wang K., Zhang Y., Interim Results from the Analysis of Sector-Based Proposal for Chinese Electricity and Industrial Sectors, The Sixth Dialogue on Future International Actions to Address Global Climate Change, 12 October, 2005. Lima, Peru

[2] Wang, C., The progress of EMCP Climate Change Project and perspectives on future cooperation, 21st Century Forum: China-EU Forum on Sustainable Development, 5 - 6 September 2005, Beijing, China

[1] Wang, C., Strengthen China's Climate Change Adaptation Preparedness with Policy Support Modeling: Overview of an Ongoing Project, International Workshop on Community Level Adaptation to Climate Change, 16 - 18 January 2005, Dhaka, Bangladesh.