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Division of Environmental System Analysis

JIA Haifeng
Tel: (86)-10-6279242
Location: School of Environment, Tsinghua University,Beijing,100084

Education Background

Ph.D. in Environmental Science and Engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China,1999

Master in Soil & Water Engineering from China Agricultural University, Beijing, China, 1994.

Bachelor in Soil & Water Engineering from China Agricultural University, Beijing, China, 1989.


2018.6-Present Tenured Full Professor, School of Environment, Tsinghua University

2016.1-2018.5 Tenured Associate Professor, School of Environment, Tsinghua University

2002.1-2015.12 Associate Professor, School of Environment, Tsinghua University

2011.8-2012.8. Adjunct Professor, Dept. Environmental science, Louisiana State University, U.S.

2005.7-2005.9. Visiting professor, University of Kassel, Germany

1999~2001, Tsinghua University, Lecturer;

1994~1995, Beijing Water Science Institute , Engineer;

1989~1994, Beijing Water Science Institute, Assistant Engineer

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Areas of Research Interests

1. Watershed/Urban Water Environmental Planning and Management

2. Water Quality and Hydrology Model

3. Urban Runoff Control, LID- BMPs, and Sponge City

4. Urban river restoration

5. Environmental Remote Sensing and GIS

Research Status


1. Integrated demonstration on water environment improvement and ecology safety in Suzhou (2017ZX07205),RMB¥69,000,000, National Science & Technology Major Project (Water Major Project), PI, 2017-2020

2. The research on sponge city facilities spatial layout optimization for urban runoff control in Beijing (2017x07103-006-04),RMB¥4,470,000, National Science & Technology Major Project (Water Major Project), PI, 2017-2020

3. The research on water quality simulation system in Beijing central region, (2017ZX07104-002-03), RMB¥ 3,800,000, National Science & Technology Major Project (Water Major Project), PI, 2017-2020

4. A study on the spatial characteristics of urban surface features and its building fitness assessment for sponge city construction, RMB¥650,000, Beijing Natural Science Foundation of China (Major Program ), PI, 2016-2019.

5. The Guideline of rural wastewater treatment technology and facility operation in Suzhou, RMB¥280,000,Suzhou Municipal Drainage Management Agency,PI,2016.

6. The research of ecological embankment and ecological filter bed technology. RMB¥115,000,Dongyin Yellow River Water Town Management Office. PI, 2015-2016.

7. LID-BMPs technologies screening and layout optimization for urban runoff control, RMB¥800,000. National Natural Science Foundation of China, PI, 2012-2016.

8. The impact of urban river ecological regulation on water environmental improvement, RMB¥500,000. Beijing Municipal Urban Planning Committee, PI, 2015-2016.

9. The optimization of LID-BMPs and urban stream water quality in Tianjin New City, RMB¥490,000. China State Construction Engineering Corporation (Tianjin), PI, 2015-2016.

10. The research of comprehensive planning for environment protection in Foshan, RMB¥2,500,000. Foshan Environmental Protection Bureau, PI, 2014-2015.

11. Huai River Basin Marine Pollution Reduction Project, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Wetland and Rural Wastewater treatment Specialist, US$30,000. 2014-2015.

12. Integrated demonstration on water environment improvement in typical city with high density industry, RMB¥34,329,400. National Science & Technology Major Project (Water Major Project), PI, 2011-2015.

13. The research of pollutants fluxes at major Guangzhou - Foshan trans-boundary rivers, RMB¥450,000. Foshan Environmental Protection Bureau, PI, 2013-2014.

14. The Guideline of urban river restoration technologies, RMB¥248,000. Foshan Environmental Protection Bureau, PI, 2013-2014.

15. The research on monitoring and emergency response technology of heavy metal pollution in Foshan water environment (Phase II), RMB¥1,448,000. Foshan Environmental protection Bureau, PI, 2013-2014.

16. Shaanxi Weinan Luyang Integrated Saline Land Management Project, Asian Development Bank Consulting Project (TA-8293 PRC), Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Specialist, US$35,000. 2013-2014.

17. Demonstration study on urban runoff control BMPs in Foshan city (Phase II), RMB¥450,000. Foshan Environmental protection Bureau, PI, 2012-2014.

18. The ecological value assessment of five major river system in Beijing, RMB¥498,000. Beijing Institute of Water, PI, 2009-2014.

19. The research on monitoring and emergency response technology of heavy metal pollution in Foshan water environment, RMB¥1,790,000. Foshan Environmental protection Bureau, PI, 2012-2013.

20. The strategy on water quality improvement in Beijing, RMB¥200,000. Beijing Municipal urban planning institute, PI, 2012-2013.

21. The ecology city planning of Foshan City, RMB¥130,000. Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, PI, 2011-2012.

22. Demonstration study on urban runoff control BMPs in Foshan city, RMB¥800,000. Foshan Environmental protection Bureau, PI, 2011-2013.

23. The 12th Five-Year Plan for Environmental Protection and Ecological construction in Foshan, RMB¥448,000. Foshan Environmental protection Bureau, PI, 2011-2012.

24. A 3S Based Forage Biomass Yield Dynamic Monitoring of Alpine-cold Meadow in Sanjiangyuan Area, RMB¥220,000. QinHai Sanjiangyuan special project, co-PI, 2010-2012.

25. The 12th Five-Year Plan for Environmental Protection and Ecological construction in Fuzhou, RMB¥2,729,600. Fuzhou Environmental protection Bureau, co-PI, 2010-2012.

26. The estimation of allowable pollutant loads and its allocation technology for lake and reservoir type of pollution control unit, RMB¥2,243,700. National Science & Technology Major Project (Water Major Project), PI, 2009-2012.

27. Integrated demonstration on treatment technology of water environment of towns in watery region, RMB¥15,750,000. National Science & Technology Major Project (Water Major Project), co-PI, 2008-2012.

28. The pollution investigation of NOx, RMB¥447,000. Foshan Environmental protection Bureau, co-PI, 2010-2011.

29. The study on the characteristics identification and simulation of aquatic environment in urban rivers with the supplement of reclaimed water, RMB¥380,000. National Nature Science Foundation of China, co-PI, 2009-2011.

30. The scheme study of water environmental security for 16th Asian Games, RMB¥485,000. Foshan Environmental protection Bureau, PI, 2009-2010.

31. The review of Environmental Protection and Ecological construction in 11th Five-Year Plan and the development of the planning objectives index system for 12th Five-Year Plan in Foshan, RMB¥148,000. Foshan Environmental protection Bureau, PI, 2009-2010.

32. The Assessment of Environmental Protection Model City Planning and the work plan in 2011-2013 in Foshan, RMB¥390,000. Foshan Environmental protection Bureau, PI, 2009-2010.

33. The monitoring and evaluation technology of water pollution based on Polarimetric SAR and GIS, RMB¥200,000. Jointed Foundation from Tsinghua Information Science and Technology State Key Lab, PI, 2008-2010.

34. The environmental impact assessment of water resources utilization and ecology protection planning in Dunhuang City, RMB¥600,000. Department of Water Resources of Gansu Province, PI, 2008-2010.

35. The overall planning of water supply in Manzhouli City, RMB¥350,000. Manzhouli Water Authority, PI, 2008-2010.

36. The overall planning of water supply in Manzhouli City, RMB¥350,000. Manzhouli Water Authority, PI, 2008-2010.

Academic Achievements

Published Books:


1. JIA Haifeng,Sponge City and Low Impact Development Technology and Practices, Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, 2018.1(In Chinese)

2. JIA Haifeng, YU Shaw L., Robert Traver, QIN Huapeng, LI Junqi, and Mike Clar. Proceeding of International Low Impact Development Conference China 2016: Applications in Sponge City Construction. Beijing, China, June 26–29, 2016. Published by American Society of Civil Engineers, ISBN 978-0-7844-8104-2.

3. JIA Haifeng. Urban River Restoration----Theory and Practice. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, 2017.1 (In Chinese)

4. XIAO Rongbo, WU Zhifeng, ZHAN Qingming, DU Peijun, JI Minhe, GUAN Zequn, JIA Haifeng, YUE Wenze, et al.(Translation). Urban Remote Sensing: Monitoring, Synthesis and Modeling in the Urban Environment, Higher Education Press, 2015(In Chinese)

5. LIU Hailong, JIA Haifeng, et al. Urban Stormwater Management and Landscape Hydrology. Tsinghua University Press, 2015(In Chinese)

6. CHENG Shengtong. Environmental System Analysis (2rd Edition), Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, 2012.9 (Chapter 7 and 10) (In Chinese)

7. DANG Anrong, JIA Haifeng, CHEN Xiaofeng, et al. Introduction of Remote Sensing Image Process using ERDAS IMAGINE, Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2010.4(In Chinese)

8. JIA Haifeng, LIU Xuehua. The Principle of Environmental Remote Sensing and its Application. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2006.3(In Chinese)

9. CHENG Shengtong. Environmental System Analysis, Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, 2006.1 (Chapter 8) (In Chinese)


1. ZHANG Yuhu, JIA Haifeng, CAI Wanyuan. Wastewater sampler, Utility model patent, Patent No. ZL 2014 2 0787857.8, State Intellectual Property Office of the People’s Republic of China. Authorized Date: 2015-5-27

2. ZHANG Yuhu, ZHAO Yuan, JIA Haifeng. A hand-held portable conductivity meter, Utility model patent, Patent No. ZL 2015 2 0049517.x, State Intellectual Property Office of the People’s Republic of China. Authorized Date: 2015-5-27

3. JIA Haifeng, LUO Qun. An expandable filter using soft ektexine and media for storm water purification, Invention Patent, Patent No. ZL 2012 1 0444053.3, State Intellectual Property Office of the People’s Republic of China. Authorized Date: 2014-10-08

4. JIA Haifeng, YANG Cong. A positioning and control device for river flow measuring instrument, Invention Patent, Patent No. ZL 2011 1 0409536.5, State Intellectual Property Office of the People’s Republic of China. Authorized Date: 2014-7-23

5. JIA Haifeng, LUO Qun. An expandable filter for water purification, Utility model patent, Patent No. ZL 2012 2 0586498.0, State Intellectual Property Office of the People’s Republic of China. Authorized Date: 2013-10-16

6. JIA Haifeng, YANG Cong. A positioning and control device for river flow measuring instrument, Utility model patent, Patent No. ZL 2011 2 0512799.4, State Intellectual Property Office of the People’s Republic of China. Authorized Date: 2012-8-1

7. JIA Haifeng, HAN Yu, SONG Weize. Cellular Automata Land Use Change Simulation System Based on Multi Criterion Evaluation(CALUCC) V1.0, Software No. 2015SR072073, National Copyright Administration of the People’s Republic of China. 2015.3.15

8. JIA Haifeng, Maikel Issermann, Liang Yun. Efficient Stormwater Runoff Simulation Model based on Cell Automaton and Motion Costs (CAMC) V1.0, Software No. 2014SR141834, National Copyright Administration of the People’s Republic of China. 2014. 9.20

9. JIA Haifeng, TANG Ying, TI Chaopu and XI Jiali, Urban runoff Control BMPs Selection system (BMPSELEC) V1.0, Software No. 2012SR098882, National Copyright Administration of the People’s Republic of China. 2012.2.20

10. JIA Haifeng, ZHANG Yansong, GUO Yu, YANG Cong, Urban river ecological simulation model v1.0, Software No. 2011SR048541, National Copyright Administration of the People’s Republic of China. 2010.12.15

Published Articles:


(* corresponding author)

1. JIA Haifeng*, YU Shaw L. DAVIS Allen P. Green Infrastructure and Sponge City Research. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment. 2018, 4(4): 02018001.

2. WANG Zheng, JIA Haifeng*, Manufacturing industrial structure and pollutant emission: An empirical study of China. Journal of Cleaner Production,2018, 197: 462-471.

3. NIE Linmei, JIA Haifeng. China’s Sponge City Construction: Ambition and challenges. VANN, 2018, (02):159-167.

4. XU Te, ENGEL Bernard A., SHI Xinmei, LENG Linyuan, JIA Haifeng*, YU Shaw L., LIU Yaoze. Marginal-cost-based greedy strategy (MCGS): Fast and reliable optimization of low impact development (LID) layout. Science of the Total Environment. 2018, 640-641: 570–580.

5. JIA Haifeng?, XU Te, Liang Shidong, ZHAO Pei, XU Changqing. Bayesian framework of parameter sensitivity, uncertainty, and identifiability analysis in complex water quality models. Environmental Modelling and Software. 2018, 104:13-26.

6. SONG Weize, JIA Haifeng*, Zhilin Li, Deliang Tang. Using geographical semi-variogram method to quantify the difference between NO2 and PM2.5 spatial distribution characteristics in urban areas. Science of the Total Environment. 2018, 631-632: 688-694.

7. JIA Haifeng*, YU Shaw L, QING Huapeng. Low impact development and sponge city construction for urban stormwater management. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2017, 11 (4), 20.

8. JIA Haifeng*, WANG Zhen, ZHEN Xiaoyue, CLAR Mike, YU Shaw L. China’s Sponge City Construction: A Discussion on Technical Approaches. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2017,11(4): 18

9. ZHANG Jiao, WEI Zhen, JIA Haifeng*, HUANG Xia*. Factors influencing water quality indices in a typical urban river originated with reclaimed water. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2017, 11: 8.

10. XU Te, JIA Haifeng*, WANG Zheng, MAO Xuhui, XU Changqing. SWMM-based methodology for block-scale LID-BMPs planning based on site-scale multi-objective optimization: a case study in Tianjin. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2017, 11: 1.

11. XU Changqing, HONG Jinglan, JIA Haifeng*, LIANG Shidong, XU Te. Life cycle environmental and economic assessment of a LID-BMP treatment train system: A case study in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017,149 :227-237.

12. Mao Xuhui, JIA Haifeng*,Yu Shaw L. Yu Assessing the ecological benefits of aggregate LID-BMPs through modelling. Ecological Modelling, 2017, 353:139-149.

13. HAN Yu, JIA Haifeng*. Simulating the spatial dynamics of urban growth with an integrated modeling approach: A case study of Foshan, China. Ecological Modelling, 2017, 353:107–116.

14. JIA Haifeng*, WANG Zheng, YU Shaw L. Opporitunity and Challenge, China’s Sponge City Plan. Hydrolink, 2016,4:100-102

15. LIANG Shidong, JIA Haifeng*, Xu Changqing, Xu Te, Charles Melching. A Bayesian approach for evaluation of the effect of water quality model parameter uncertainty on TMDLs: A case study of Miyun Reservoir. Science of the Total Environment. 2016,560–561: 44–54. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.04.001

16. YU Shaw L., JIA Haifeng. China’s ambitious sponge city initiative: a monumental effort for green/gray infrastructure integration. EWRI Currents, 2015, 17(4): 8-9.

17. LIANG Shidong, JIA Haifeng*, YANG Cong, MELCHING Charles S. A pollutant load hierarchical allocation method integrated in environmental capacity management system for Zhushan Bay, Taihu Lake. Science of the Total Environment 2015, 553: 223-237. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.06.116

18. XIA Dacheng, JIA Haifeng*, WANG Zheng. Modeling Megacity Drinking Water Security under a DSS Framework in a Tidal River at the North Pearl River Delta, China. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA), 2015, 51(3): 637-654. DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.123122015

19. JIA Haifeng*, WANG Xiangwen, TI Chaopu, ZHAI Yanyun, FIELD Richard, TAFURI Anthony N. and YU Shaw L. Field Monitoring of an LID-BMP Treatment Train System in China, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2015, 187(6):4595. DOI:10.1007/s10661-015-4595-2

20. JIA Haifeng*, YAO Hairong, TANG Ying, YU Shaw L., FIELD Richard, TAFURI Anthony N. LID-BMPs planning for urban runoff control and the case study in China. Journal of Environmental Management, 2015, 149 (1): 65-76.

21. JIA Haifeng*, LIANG Shidong, ZHANG Yansong. Assessing the impact on groundwater safety of inter-basin water transfer using a coupled modeling approach. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2015, 9 (1):84-95.

22. SONG Weize, JIA Haifeng*, HUANG Jingfeng, ZHANG Yiyue. A Satellite-based Geographically Weighted Regression Model for Regional PM2.5 Estimation over the Pearl River Delta Region in China. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2014, 154:1-7.

23. JIA Haifeng*, MA Hongtao, SUN Zhaoxia, YU Shawlei, DING Yongwei, LIANG Yun. A closed urban scenic river system using stormwater treated with LID-BMP technology in a revitalized historical district in China. Ecological Engineering, 2014, 71:448-457.

24. JIA Haifeng*, SUN Zhaoxia, LI Guanghe. A four-stage constructed wetland system for treating polluted waterfrom an urban river. Ecological Engineering, 2014, 71: 48-55.

25. SONG Weize, JIA Haifeng*, LIU Shujie, LIANG Shidong, WANG Zheng, HAO Lizhuang, CHAI Shatuo. A Remote Sensing Based Forage Biomass Yield Inversion Model of Alpine-cold Meadow in Grass-withering Period in Sanjiangyuan Area. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth and Environmental Science. 2014, 17 012042 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/17/1/012042.

26. ZHANG Yuhu, JIA Haifeng*, YAO Yunjun, CHEN Xuegang., Evaluating the evolution of the old urban river system of the plain river network in Southern Jiangsu Province, China. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2013, 11 (3&4): 2556-2560.

27. JIA Haifeng*, Ying Tang, YU Shaw L., ZHEN Jenny X., LU Yuwen. Development of A Multi-Criteria Index Ranking System for Urban Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) Selection. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2013, 185(9):7915-7933.

28. JIA Haifeng*, Yao Hairong, Yu Shaw L. The advances of LID BMPs research and practices for urban runoff control in China. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2013, 7(5):709-720.

29. GUO Yu, JIA Haifeng*. An approach to calculating allowable watershed pollutant loads. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2012, 6(5):658-671.

30. DU Pengfei, JIA Haifeng*, YU Shaw. Urban watershed management under rapid urbanization. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2012, 6(5):595.

31. BAIN Mark B., JIA Haifeng*. A Habitat Model for Fish Communities in Large Streams and Small Rivers. International Journal of Ecology, Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 962071, 8 pages. doi:10.1155/2012/962071

32. LOUCKS Daniel P., JIA Haifeng*. Managing water for life. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2012, 6(2): 255-264.

33. JIA Haifeng*, LU Yuwen, ZHEN Jenny X., YU Shaw L. Planning of LID-BMPs for urban runoff control: The case of Beijing Olympic Village. Separation and Purification Technology, 2012, 84:112-119.

34. JIA Haifeng*, MA Hongtao, WEI Mingjie. Calculation of the minimum ecological water requirement of an urban river system and its deployment: a case study in Beijing central region. Ecological Modelling, 2011, 222:3271- 3276.

35. JIA Haifeng*, MA Hongtao, WEI Mingjie. Urban Wetland Planning: A Case Study in the Beijing Central Region. Ecological Complexity. 2011, 8(2):213-221.

36. JIA Haifeng*, WANG Shuo, WEI Mingjie. Scenario Analysis of Water Pollution Control in the Typical Peri-urban River Using a Coupled Hydrodynamic-Water Quality Model. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 2011, 5(2): 255-265.

37. TANG Ying, JIA Haifeng*, JIANG Qigui, WANG Jun. Comprehensive rehabilitation planning of deserted pits and the case study in plain area of Beijing, China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2010, 99:123-132.

38. JIA Haifeng*, ZHANG Yansong, GUO Yu. The development of a multi-species algal ecodynamic model for urban surface water systems and its application. Ecological Modelling, 2010, 221(15): 1831-1838.

39. JIA Haifeng*, DONG Nan, MA Hongtao. Evaluation of aquatic rehabilitation technologies in polluted urban rivers and the case study of the Foshan Channel. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 2010, 4(2):213-220.


40. JIA Haifeng*, Sponge city and LID BMPs for Urban Runoff Control in China: The Practice and Lessons. 14th IWA/IAHR International Conference on Urban Drainage, September 10-15, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic.

41. MAO Xuhui, JIA Haifeng*. Modelling stormwater controlling effects of LID-BMPs in a historical site: A case study in Beijing, China. 14th IWA/IAHR International Conference on Urban Drainage, September 10-15, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic.

42. XU Te, JIA Haifeng*, et al. Efficient modelling of urban inundation by applying cellular automaton and motion cost fields (CAMC++). 14th IWA/IAHR International Conference on Urban Drainage, September 10-15, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic.

43. XU Changqing, JIA Haifeng*, et al. Environmental, economic and human health effects of LID-BMPs through a life cycle perspective. 14th IWA/IAHR International Conference on Urban Drainage, September 10-15, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic.

44. JIA Haifeng. Sustainable urban water system and several case studies. The China-UK Joint Workshop on Urban Flooding and Sponge Cities & 2017 Annual Conference of the International Institute for Infrastructure Resilience and Reconstruction (IIIRR): the Sponge City Initiatives, July 3-5, Shenzhen, China. (Keynote Speech).

45. JIA Haifeng, Sustainable Urban Water System: Theory and Practices. International Conference on Water Security in Human Settlements: Response to Water Scarcity. Iran’s governmental National Water and Wastewater Engineering Company (NWWEC), Tehran Water and Wastewater Company (TWWC), and Iran Water Resources Management Company (IWRM Co.), the Regional Centre on Urban Water Management (RCUWM) and UNESCO- International Hydrological Programme (IHP), May 1-5, 2017, Tehran, Iran.

46. JIA Haifeng*, GUAN Yuntao, YU Shaw. Sponge city and LID BMPs for Urban Runoff Control in China: The Practice and Lessons. 12th International Conference of the International Institute for Infrastructure Resilience and Reconstruction (IIIRR-2016), August 5-7, 2016, Kandy, Sri Lanka.

47. LI Qi, ZHANG R., WANG Hui, JIA Haifeng, GUAN Yuntao. A comparative analysis of river advection-diffusion models for water quality assessment. 12th International Conference of the International Institute for Infrastructure Resilience and Reconstruction (IIIRR-2016), August 5-7, 2016, Kandy, Sri Lanka.

48. NIE Linmei, JIA Haifeng. Review on Major Achievements and Challenges in Design, Planning and Implementation of LIDs in Europe and Internationally. 2016 International Low Impact Development Conference, Beijing, China, June 26-29, 2016.

49. ZHANG Jiao, WEI Zhen, ZHOU Yue, ZHANG Shuo, JIA Haifeng, HUANG Xia. The Factors Influencing Water Quality in a River Originated with Reclaimed Water. 2016 International Low Impact Development Conference, Beijing, China, June 26-29, 2016.

50. XU Te, JIA Haifeng. The Development of a LID-BMPs Chain Layout Optimizations and the Case Study. 2016 International Low Impact Development Conference, Beijing, China, June 26-29, 2016.

51. XU Changqing, JIA Haifeng. Life Cycle Environmental and Economic Assessment of a LID-BMP Treatment Train System—a Case Study in China. 2016 International Low Impact Development Conference, Beijing, China, June 26-29, 2016.

52. WANG Zheng, JIA Haifeng, YU Shaw L. The Importance of LID in Industrial Site Water Management: A Case Study of Sand Filters. 2016 International Low Impact Development Conference, Beijing, China, June 26-29, 2016.

53. SONG Weize, JIA Haifeng. The Health Benefits of Urban-scale Ambient PM2.5 Reduction under Alternative UGI Scenarios. 2016 International Low Impact Development Conference, Beijing, China, June 26-29, 2016.

54. JIA Haifeng, YU Shaw L, Urban Runoff Control LID BMPs Planning Methodology and the Case Studies, International Symposium on Urban Stormwater Management & Landscape Hydrology, Beijing, 2015.5.15-16. (Keynote Speech)

55. WANG Zheng, JIA Haifeng. Case study for rainfall runoff pollution control in contaminated site,International Symposium on Urban Stormwater Management & Landscape Hydrology, Beijing, 2015.5.15-16.

56. MAO Xuhui, JIA Haifeng. Modeling aggregate LID-BMPs’ stormwater runoff control using SUSTAIN: A case study from Foshan, China. Proceddings of Korea-China Joint Seminar on Conservation of Environment through Ecological Modeling Approaches and Eco-friendly Environmental Management Practices, University of Seoul, Korea, Dec. 7-9, 2015. (Keynote Speech)

57. WANG Zheng, JIA Haifeng, YU Shaw L. The Importance of LID in Industrial Site Water Management: A Case Study of Sand Filters. The 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Technologies (APCSEET 2015), Seoul, Korea, July 2-5, 2015

58. SONG Weize, JIA Haifeng, WANG Zheng, GUAN Zhanwen, JIA Mingyi. An Urban-scale Spatiotemporal Land Use Regression Model for Long-term Ambient Pollutants Assessment in a Typical Industrialized City of China. The 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Technologies (APCSEET 2015), Seoul, Korea, July 2-5, 2015

59. JIA Haifeng, The Advances of Sponge city and LID BMPs Research and Practices for Urban Runoff Control in China. The 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Technologies (APCSEET 2015), Seoul, Korea, July 2-5, 2015 (Keynote Speech)

60. JIA Haifeng, GAO Zhenjuan, SUN Zhaoxia. Urban river restoration and case study in China. Second International Conference on Sustainable Urbanization, Jan. 7-9, 2015, Hong Kong, China.

61. JIA Haifeng, ZHANG Yansong, GUO Yu. A multi-species algal ecodynamic model for urban surface water systems and its application. China-Korea Joint Seminar on Assessment of ecological complexity to environmental change: models and scenarios in preparedness of disturbances, Beijing, China. Dec. 1-3, 2014. (Keynote Speech)

62. HAN Yu, SONG Weize, JIA Haifeng. Environmental Impacts Simulation of Land Use Changes Based on Cellular Automata. China-Korea Joint Seminar on Assessment of ecological complexity to environmental change: models and scenarios in preparedness of disturbances, Beijing, China. Dec. 1-3, 2014.

63. JIA Haifeng, WANG Xiangwen, YU Shaw Lei. Advances in LID BMPs research and practice for urban runoff control in Foshan, China. The 9th International Conference on Urban Watershed Management, Tianjin, China. Sept. 14-17, 2014.

64. JIA Haifeng. LID BMPs Research and Practices for Urban Runoff Control in China. Sustainable Water Environment Management: Research Partnership of Chinese Universities – Irish Universities. Galway, Ireland. June 25-28, 2014. (Keynote Speech)

65. JIA Haifeng, WANG Xiangwen, ZHAI Yanyun, YU Shaw L. Implementation of LID Practices at a Campus Setting in Southern China. 2014 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, ASCE/EWRI, Portland, Oregon, USA. June 1-5, 2014.

66. JIA Haifeng, YANG Cong. Estimating Allowable Pollution Loads and Its Allocation in a Typical Bay of Taihu Lake. 2014 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, ASCE/EWRI, Portland, Oregon, USA. June 1-5, 2014.

67. JIA Haifeng, YU Shawlei. The Advances of LID BMPs Research and Practices for Urban Runoff Control in China. Workshop on Green Infrastructures/LID Practices - Experiences in Singapore, China, Taiwan and USA. Singapore. May 1-4, 2014. (Keynote Speech)

68. JIA Haifeng, YU Shawlei. LID-BMPs Planning for Urban Runoff Control and Case Studies. 1st Cross-Strait Forum on Sustainable Urban Development, Hongkong, China. Feb. 14-16, 2014.

69. LIANG Shidong, JIA Haifeng. The Development of a 3-D Coupled Hydrodynamic-Water Quality Model for Miyun Reservoir and its Scenario Analysis for Eutrophication Control. 2013 International Specialty Conference Water for Mega Cities: Challenges and Solutions, American Water Resources Association and Beijing Hydraulic Engineering Society, Beijing, China. Sept. 16-18, 2013.

70. XIAO Dacheng, JIA Haifeng. Model Development under DSS Framework for Urban Drinking Water Security in Tidal River and its Case Study: in Foshan Section of Beijiang River. 2013 International Specialty Conference Water for Mega Cities: Challenges and Solutions, American Water Resources Association and Beijing Hydraulic Engineering Society, Beijing, China. Sept. 16-18, 2013.

71. JIA Haifeng, LIANG Shidong, ZHANG Yansong.Development of a Linking Surface and Groundwater Model and its Application in Beijing Typical Plain Area. 2013 International Specialty Conference Water for Mega Cities: Challenges and Solutions, American Water Resources Association and Beijing Hydraulic Engineering Society, Beijing, China. Sept. 16-18, 2013.

72. JIA Haifeng, GAO Zhengjuan, LUO Qun, SUN Zhaoxiao. Water Pollution Control in Typical Urban Blind End River Using Ecological Restoration: A Case study on the Guandu River, Suzhou, China. 2013 International Specialty Conference Water for Mega Cities: Challenges and Solutions, American Water Resources Association and Beijing Hydraulic Engineering Society, Beijing, China September 16-18, 2013.

73. MA Hongtao, JIA Haifeng, WEI Mingjie .The methodology of urban wetland planning and its case study in Beijing. The 5th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition, Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon, Korea. Sept. 8-12, 2013.

74. JIA Haifeng, TI Chaopu, WANG Xiangwen, ZHAI Yanyun, FIELD Richard, TAFURI Anthony and YU Shaw L. Integrating LID Practices into a Green Campus Design in Southern China. 2013 International Low Impact Development Symposium, Saint Paul RiverCentre, Saint Paul Minnesota, August 18-21, 2013.

75. JIA Haifeng, MA Hongtao, SUN Chaoxia, LIANG Yun, LI Guanghe, DING Yongwei, XU Guozhong, YU Shaw L. A closed scenic treated stormwater system using LID BMPs technology in a historical revitalization district, Suzhou, China. Asia Pacific Water Recycling Conference and AWA Membranes & Desalination Conference, Brisbane, Australia, July 1 -4, 2013 (Keynote Speech)

76. XIAO Dacheng, JIA Haifeng. Integrated Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Modeling System to Support Drinking Water Security in Tidal River, Case Study: Minjiang River, Southeast of Fujian, China. 2013 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, ASCE/EWRI, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. May 19-22, 2013.

77. SONG Weize, JIA Haifeng, LIU Shujie, LIANG Shidong, WANG Zheng, HAO Lizhuang, CHAI Shatuo. A Remote Sensing Based Forage Biomass Yield Inversion Model of Alpine-cold Meadow in Grass-withering Period in Sanjiangyuan Area. 35th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE35), Beijing China. April 22-26, 2013

78. JIA Haifeng. The urban flood control and rainwater utilization in Beijing, Taipei Forum on Urban Low Impact Development and Flood Control, April 2, 2013 (Keynote Speech)

79. JIA Haifeng. Scenarios analysis of water pollution control in the typical peri-urban river. The 2nd Eco-Smart Waterworks Systems International Symposium, Seoul, Korea. Nov. 14, 2012 (Keynote Speech)

80. JIA Haifeng, SUN Zhaoxia, XU Zenglin, LI Guanghe. Pilot Study on four-stage construction wetland for urban river rehabilitation in typical river network town, Taihu Lake. 18th Congress of the Asia & Pacific Division of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR-APD 2012), Jeju, Korea, Aug. 19-23, 2012

81. JIA Haifeng, TANG Ying, YU Shaw L, TI Chaopu, Richard Field, Anthony N. Tafuri. Urban Stormwater runoff BMPs Planning with support of SUSTAIN Modeling and its Case Study. 2012 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, ASCE/EWRI, May 20-24, 2012, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.

82. JIA Haifeng, Ying Tang, Jenny X. Zhen, Yurong CHEN, Shaw L. YU, Yuwen LU. Multi-criteria index comparison system for urban LID-BMP selection. 2011 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress. ASCE/EWRI, May 22-26, 2011, Palm Springs, California, USA.

83. MA Hongtao, JIA Haifeng. Methodology of Basin Integrated Wastewater Treatment System Planning Based on Water Quality Objective - A Case Study in Beijing Nanshahe River. 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, Wuhan, China, 10-12 May 2011

84. ZHANG Yuhu, JIA Haifeng; YANG Cong. Assessment of spatial-temporal variations in surface water quality of Luzhi river system in Plain River-Net Areas, Suzhou, China. International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, RSETE 2011 - Proceedings, p 2002-2005

85. TI Chaopu, JIA Haifeng. Characteristics of Nireogen Budgets and Riverine Nitrogen Load in Two Comparing Areas in Eastern China. 8th International Conference on Urban Watershed management, Sept. 6-8, 2011. Beijing China.

86. XIAO Dacheng, JIA Haifeng. Integrated Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Simulation in Fuzhou Section of Minjiang River. 8th International Conference on Urban Watershed management, Sept. 6-8, 2011. Beijing China.

87. YANG Cong, JIA Haifeng, Guo Yu, Zhang Yuhu, Chen Yurong. Development and application of a coupled hydrodynamics and water quality model for the river network of a town in Taihu Lake region. 8th International Conference on Urban Watershed management, Sept. 6-8, 2011. Beijing China.

88. GUO Yu, JIA Haifeng. An approach of pollutants loads allocation in lakes or reservoirs watershed and the Case study of Chaihe Reservoir. 8th International Conference on Urban Watershed management, Sept. 6-8, 2011. Beijing China.

89. JIA Haifeng, MA Hongtao, WANG Jun. The calculation of minimum ecological water requirement of urban river system and its deployment: a case study in Beijing central region. The 8th International Symposium on ECOHYDRAULICS (ISE 2010), Sept.12-16, Seoul, Korea.

90. JIA Haifeng, YANG Cong, GUO Yu, ZHANG Yuhu. The Development of Hydrodynamic –Water Quality Coupling Model of Luzhi River Network and Scenarios Analysis for Water Environment Improvement. The 8th International Symposium on ECOHYDRAULICS (ISE 2010), Sept.12-16, Seoul, Korea.

91. JIA Haifeng, LU Yuwen, ZHEN Jenny X., and YU Shaw L. Planning of LID-BMPs for urban runoff control: The case of Beijing Olympic Village. The Sixth International Conference on Sustainable Water Environment, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, USA, July 29 - 31, 2010

92. JIA Haifeng, GUO Yu. An approach of pollutants loads allocation in lakes or reservoirs watershed by using EFDC model: A Case study of Chaihe Reservoir. International Workshop on Integrated Watershed Management, Taipei, June 30 - July 01, 2010 (Keynote Speech)

93. JIA Haifeng, TANG Ying, ZHEN Jenny, YU Shawlei. The urban runoff control BMP planning and the case study using SUSTAIN. Watershed Management & Green Infrastructure Forum. Taipei, June 28 - June 29, 2010. (Keynote Speech)


94. WEI Zheng, JIA Haifeng*, JIANG Qigui, MENG Dejuan, YANG Shuyuan. A simulation test of phytoplankton growth induced by current velocity in rivers originated with reclaimed water. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2017(Accepted)

95. DING Yi, JIA Haifeng*, DING Yongwei, SUN Chaoxia. Hydrodynamic optimization of urban river network of water towns based on EFDC model. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 2016,36(4):1440-1446.

96. LI Yilu, ZHANG Yuhu, JIA Haifeng*, CHEN Qiuhua. Spatial-temporal characteristics and source identification of water pollutants in ancient town of Suzhou, Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 2014, 34(4):1032-1044.

97. JIA Haifeng*, GUO Yu. Calculation of allowable pollution loads for lake and reservoir based on bidirection algorithm and its case study. Environmental Science, 2014, 35(2):555-561.

98. JIA Haifeng*, YAO Hairong, TANG Ying, YU Shawlei. LID-BMPs planning for urban runoff control and case study. Advances in Water Science, 2014, 25(2): 260-267.

99. XU Jian, WU Wei, HUANG Tianyin, JIA Haifeng. Application of improved fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to water quality evaluation in Tongli Town. Journal of Hohai University (Natural Sciences), 2014, 42(2): 143-149.

100. JIA Haifeng*, WANG Jun, ZHANG Jian, ZHAO Yangyang. Comparison between vacuum source separation eco-sanitation system and traditional drainage system in a residential area. China Water & Wastewater, 2014, 30(11):131-134.

101. LI Yilu, ZHANG Yuhu, JIA Haifeng*. Water quality assessment for the ancient town of Luzhi. Environmental Engineering, 2014, 10:61-65.

102. ZHANG Yuhu, LI Yilu, JIA Haifeng*. Constructing landscape ecological security pattern in Yongding River Watershed: A case of Mengtougou Basin, Beijing. Arid Land Geography, 2013, 36(6): 1049-1057.

103. JIA Haifeng*, WANG Xiangwen. Allowable pollutant load allocation of lakes and reservoirs based on the multi-factor Gini coefficient. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology), 2013, 53(9):1277-1282.

104. JIA Haifeng*, YANG Cong, ZHANG Yuhu, CHEN Yurong. Simulations of water quality improvement for urban river networks. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology), 2013, 53(5):665-672,728.

105. YAO Hairong, LU Yuwen, JIA Haifeng*, YU Shawlei. Evolutions process of legislation on urban runoff control in US and its reference to China. Water & Wastewater Engineering, 2013,39(s1):214-218.

106. Chen Xiqing, HUANG Chen, DING Yongwei, JIA Haifeng. The closed scenic water system creation and water quality maintance scheme in Suzhou Tangyin formal residence cultural areas, Jiangsu Water Conservancy, 2012, (11):12-14.

107. WANG Xun,LIU Shujie, JIA Haifeng, CHAI Shatuo,DANG Anrong, LIU Xue-hua . Study on the nutrient of Alpine Meadow based on hyperspectral data. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis. 2012, 32(10): 2780-2784.

108. JIA Haifeng*, ZHAO Qifeng. Service-oriented water distribution model application mode. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology), 2011, 51(6):783-789.

109. CHEN Jiong, JIA Haifeng*, YANG Jian, CHEN Yurong. Primary exploration on monitoring of river pollution based on polarimetric coherence matrix. Journal of Remote Sensing, 2011, 15(5):1072-1078.

110. TANG Zhaomin, JIA Haifeng*. Countermeasures for Environmental Problems of Meijiang Upper Stream Water Environment and Sustainable Development of Wuhua County. Environmental Science and Management, 2011,36(9):145-151.

111. JIA Haifeng*, KONG Mengmeng, GUO Yu, ZHAO Qifeng. Water quality models for the Miyun reservoir in the EDSS framework. Journal of Tsinghua University, 2010, 50(9): 1383-1386.

112. GUO Yu, JIA Haifeng*. Water quality forewarning model in the framework of water pollution forewarning DSS. Environmental Science, 2010, 31(12): 2866-2871.

113. CHEN Jiong, JIA Haifeng*, YANG Jian, CHEN Yurong. Monitoring of Organic Pollutants in River Based on Polarimetric SAR. Environmental Science, 2010, 31(9):2017-2022.

114. JIA Haifeng*, ZHAO Qifeng. Study on the Automatic Parameters Identification of Water Pipe Network Model. Environmental Science, 2010, 31(1): 82-87.

115. LI Xia, GUO Yu, LIANG Weipeng, JIA Haifeng*. Water environment capacity calculation of small and medium scale river in condition of scarce data — an case study in Nanhai, Foshan. Beijing Water, 2010, (6):7-10.


1. Urban runoff control LID-BMPs layout optimization and the case studies, Urban Stormwater and Sponge City Construction Symposium, Beijing Normal University, Dec. 24, 2015.

2. Tianjin Tangguwan Development and Sponge City Construction,2015 Sponge City Tianjin Environmental Protection Forum, Nov. 17, 2015.

3. Urban river restoration and case study in China. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China. Jan. 8, 2015.

4. Urban runoff control LID-BMPs planning methodology and the case studies, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, Shenzhen, China. Dec. 18, 2014.

5. Integrated planning methodology of urban stream restoration and urban runoff control LID-BMPs. Nanning Hydraulic Engineering Design Institute of Pearl River Water Resources Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources, Nanning, China. Nov. 29, 2014.

6. The advances of LID BMPs research and practices for urban runoff control in China. Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Oslo, Norway. Sept. 10, 2014.

7. Water environmental problems and challenges in China. University of Florida, Gainesville, US. May 28, 2014.

8. Urban stormwater control and management. Asia-pacific center for water security, Beijing, China. Sept. 17, 2013.

9. The LID BMPs research and practices for urban runoff control in China. Texas Agrilife Extension Service, Texas A&M University System, Dallas, US. Aug. 25, 2013.

10. Urban stormwater control and the interaction with landscape in China. Landscape Ecology Branch, USEPA/ORD/NERL/ESD, Las Vega, US. Aug. 27, 2013.

11. Water recycling in China and the case study. CSIRO Land and Water, Glen Osmond, Australia. July 5, 2013.

12. Urban river restoration and case study in China. University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea. Sept. 15, 2010

13. Urban/ town water pollution control and sustainable water management for highly networked water systems in Taihu lake basin. Fraunhofer IOSB, Karlsruhe, Germany. Aug. 29, 2010

14. Urban water pollution control and management for highly networked water systems in Taihu lake basin. South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, US. Aug. 2, 2010.

15. Planning of LID-BMPs for urban runoff control in Beijing Olympic Village. Landscape Ecology Branch, USEPA/ORD/NERL/ESD, Las Vega, US. Aug. 6, 2010.


1. 14th IWA/IAHR International Conference on Urban Drainage, September 10-15, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic. Member of International Scientific Committee.

2. The China-UK Joint Workshop on Urban Flooding and Sponge Cities & 2017 Annual Conference of the International Institute for Infrastructure Resilience and Reconstruction (IIIRR): the Sponge City Initiatives, July 3-5, Shenzhen, China. Chair of Conference Committee and keynote speech.

3. 12th International Conference of the International Institute for Infrastructure Resilience and Reconstruction (IIIRR-2016), August 5-7, 2016, Kandy, Sri Lanka. Member of organizing committee, plenary section speech.

4. 2016 International Low Impact Development Conference, Beijing, China, June 26-29, 2016. Co-chair and General Secretary of organizing committee. (More than 1000 attendances from more than 20 countries/regions)

5. International Symposium on Urban Stormwater Management & Landscape Hydrology, Beijing, 2015.5.15-16. Co-chair of organizing committee.

6. Korea-China Joint Seminar on Conservation of Environment through Ecological Modeling Approaches and Eco-friendly Environmental Management Practices, University of Seoul, Korea, Dec. 7-9, 2015. Member of organizing committee, chair of plenary section.

7. The 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Technologies (APCSEET 2015), Seoul, Korea, July 2-5, 2015. Member of organizing committee, Section chair.

8. China-Korea Joint Seminar on Assessment of ecological complexity to environmental change: models and scenarios in preparedness of disturbances, Beijing, China. Dec. 1-3, 2014. Member of organizing committee.

9. The 9th International Conference on Urban Watershed Management, Tianjin, China. Sept. 14-17, 2014. Member of organizing committee.

10. Sustainable Water Environment Management: Research Partnership of Chinese Universities – Irish Universities. Galway, Ireland. June 25-28, 2014. Member of organizing committee.

11. Workshop on Green Infrastructures/LID Practices - Experiences in Singapore, China, Taiwan and USA. Singapore. May 1-4, 2014. Member of organizing committee.

12. 2013 International Specialty Conference Water for Mega Cities: Challenges and Solutions, American Water Resources Association and Beijing Hydraulic Engineering Society, Beijing, China. Sept. 16-18, 2013. Member of organizing committee.

13. The 8th International Conference on Urban Watershed management, Beijing China. Sept. 6-8, 2011. Co-chair and General Secretary of organizing committee.


1. Member of Chinese National Sponge City Construction Expert Committee, 2015-2018

2. Member of Qingyang Municipal Sponge City Construction Expert Committee, 2016-2018

3. Member of Langfang Municipal Water pollution Control Expert Committee, 2016-2019

4. Member of IAHR/IWA Joint Committee on Urban Drainage, 2014-2017.

5. Control group member of ASCE/EWRI International Urban Watershed Management Standing Committee, 2012-present.

6. Member of ASCE/EWRI international committee, 2011-present.

7. Member of ASCE/EWRI Urban Water Resources Research Council, 2011-present.

8. Expert of Foshan municipal environmental protection committee, 2012-present.

9. Key consulting expert of Foshan Gaoming District urban construction consultants committee, 2012-presemt.

10. Director of Beijing Hydraulic Engineering Society, 2007 - present

11. Vice director, Urban Water Environment and Ecology Committee of Beijing Hydraulic Engineering Society. 2007 – present

12. Member of consulting expert board of Foshan municipal government, 2010-present

13. Member of Editorial board of China Environmental Information journal, 2009- present.

14. Member of Expert committee in “Journal of Beijing Water”, 2005-presemt.

15. Member of Urban Water System Committee of China Hydraulic Engineering Society, 2005 – present.

16. Responsible Editor of “Frontiers of Environmental science and engineering’, 2009-present.

18. Member of urban infrastructure planning and construction committee of Beijing urban planning society. 2005-present.

19. Evaluation expert of China national science and technology award, 2005-present.

20. Expert of Beijing Environmental Protection Bureau, 2006-present

21. Evaluation expert of science and technology award of Ministry of Education, 2005-present.